Stream Restoration

Cattaraugus Creek Bank Restoration

McMahon & Mann worked with Gernatt Asphalt Products Inc. and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to develop and implement a stream bank restoration plan along Cattaraugus Creek in the Town of Sardinia. Approximately 400 feet of the stream bank along Gernatt’s Chaffee Facility required regrading and restoration to protect it from the erosive forces of Cattaraugus Creek.


Sardinia, New York


New York State Department of Environmental Conservation



McMahon & Mann worked with Gernatt Asphalt Products Inc. and the NYSDEC to develop and implement a stream bank restoration plan along Cattaraugus Creek in the Town of Sardinia. Approximately 400 feet of the stream bank along Gernatt’s Chaffee Facility required regrading and restoration to protect it from the erosive forces of Cattaraugus Creek.

McMahon & Mann studied the fluvial geomorphology of Cattaraugus Creek and conducted hydrologic studies to evaluate the elevation and erosive nature of various storm events. Using this information, we worked closely with NYSDEC engineers and scientists to develop a streambank restoration plan that protects the bank from erosion while restoring riparian habitat. The design features heavy stone fill at the toe and buried stone keyways at each end to protect the lower slope from scour during channel forming flows. The upper slope is vegetated with plantings of red osier dogwood and sandbar willow trees that will restore habitat along the creek.


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