Dams and Levees

Erieville Dam

Erieville Dam is operated by the NYSCC. It was constructed in the 1850’s as a feeder to the Erie Canal during the dry season and is located approximately 8 miles southeast of the Town of Cazenovia, in Madison County. The dam consists of two embankment lengths, one approximately 750 feet long, and the other approximately 1250 feet long separated by a natural hill. The dam is approximately 55 feet tall at its highest point.


Madison County, New York


Bergmann for New York State Canal Corporation



Erieville Dam is operated by the NYSCC. It was constructed in the 1850’s as a feeder to the Erie Canal during the dry season and is located approximately 8 miles southeast of the Town of Cazenovia, in Madison County. The dam consists of two embankment lengths, one approximately 750 feet long, and the other approximately 1250 feet long separated by a natural hill. The dam is approximately 55 feet tall at its highest point.

McMahon & Mann teamed with Bergmann to complete a dam safety inspection and engineering assessment for the dam. The engineering assessment included borings and piezometers to evaluate the soil and groundwater conditions in the embankment and foundation. The embankment soils include a zone of loose granular soil that initial estimates indicated could be susceptible to liquefaction during a seismic event. Seismic cone penetration and seismic shear wave velocity tests were completed along with a site specific seismic analysis. The results of this more refined evaluation demonstrated a suitable safety factor against liquefaction obviating the need for costly dam retrofits to improve its seismic resistance.


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