Dams and Levees

Indian Lake Dam

Indian Lake Dam is located on the Indian Lake River approximately two miles southwest of the Town of Indian Lake, in Hamilton County, New York. This dam has been classified by the NYSDEC as a Class C, high-hazard dam Bergmann Associates and McMahon & Mann teamed to complete a dam safety inspection and engineering assessment for the dam, as required by NYCRR Part 673.16.


Hamilton County, New York


Bergmann for the Hudson River Black River Regulating District



Indian Lake Dam is located on the Indian Lake River approximately two miles southwest of the Town of Indian Lake, in Hamilton County, New York. This dam has been classified by the NYSDEC as a Class C, high-hazard dam Bergmann Associates and McMahon & Mann teamed to complete a dam safety inspection and engineering assessment for the dam, as required by NYCRR Part 673.16.

The dam is a masonry gravity structure which in its entirety is approximately 560 feet long with a maximum height of 47 feet and consists of three sections. The east end of the project consists of an earth dam which is 220 feet long and approximately 45 feet tall at its deepest section.

The west end of the project consists of a 6 bay masonry spillway that is 150 feet long and has a maximum height of approximately 20 feet. In between the masonry spillway and the earth dam sits a masonry outlet structure that contains two sluice gates as well as a logway. The dam was completed in 1898 by the Indian River Company.

We completed subsurface explorations and laboratory tests to measure the properties of the foundation soil and the groundwater levels in the embankment. McMahon & Mann and Bergmann prepared an Engineering Assessment Report that included the results of the safety inspection, the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, the stability and seepage analyses and identified deficiencies in the dam. The report presented conceptual recommendations for remediation to bring the dam into compliance with current NYSDEC Guidelines.


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