Waterfront Bulkhead Engineering

North Bend Mooring Cells

McMahon & Mann prepared design plans for mooring cells under a contract with the Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC terminal in North Bend, Ohio. We drilled test borings and surveyed the topography of the riverbed to provide information for designing the cells.


North Bend, Ohio


Marathon Ashland Petroleum, LLC



McMahon & Mann prepared design plans for mooring cells under a contract with the Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC terminal in North Bend, Ohio. The cells are located in the Ohio River at the confluence of the Greater Miami River. Marathon will use them to secure its barges for unloading asphalt products.

We drilled test borings and surveyed the topography of the riverbed to provide information for designing the cells. Based on this information and working closely with Marathon, we prepared design plans for the two mooring cells. The cells, measuring approximately 30 feet in diameter, were constructed of steel sheet piles, filled with crushed rock and sealed with a concrete cap. The sheet piles were of sufficient length and, combined with the weight of the stone and concrete fill, enabled them to resist the overturning moments applied by the various loads.

We supplied detailed working drawings and specifications to construct the cells and for the connections to the permanent floating barge. Additionally, we worked with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to secure the necessary permits for the facility.


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